My GREATEST PASSION has always been to thrive in optimal health and HELP OTHERS do the same.

Since a young age I’ve been obsessed with getting to the root of autoimmune disease and the possibility of prevention by simply addressing epigenetics.

My story may sound like yours ...


For many years I tried everything you could imagine for my own healing journey.

Countless hours and a vast amount of money led me in the care of many doctors and practitioners with many different protocols. Often times disappointed and exhausted leaving me with no real answers. I was on a mission to overcome “it”. I was going to beat this and live exactly the way I had always dreamed I would; in good health and soul.

The medical system had failed me. And if I kept on that path I would likely be close to dead right now. I was being politely gaslit by most doctors and ignored by others who practice in our fear based system. I had to take matters into my own hands and find a way to heal. I fully embraced natural medicine, Ayurvedic practices, Chinese medicine and yoga.

four long years


of trial and error

I finally understood the role of how our emotional and personal evolution play a part in healing and regeneration. Where science backed medicine meets the best of holistic therapy.

Functional medicine was the answer.